Corporate Consecration 2021
Consecration 2021 begins on
Mon., Jan. 25th @ 6 am and ends Sun., Jan. 31st @ 12 noon.
Please refrain from social media use (this includes posting + scrolling)
unless for ministry and/or business.
Also, please limit television and other leisurely activities.
Please use that time in prayer, scripture reading/studying & meditating and hearing what The Spirit wants to speak and reveal to you.
Each day, be prayerful but also pray specifically for the
prayer focus of that particular day. Please join us for corporate prayer
daily @ 6 am & 6 pm on the conference call line.
Also, join our Lead Pastor on Facebook LIVE daily
@ 12 noon for MIDDAY MANNA as he shares a word & prayer on
the ministry Facebook page.
Details of the fast including what you can & cannot consume are on the flyer below.
We will have 2 nights of revival: FAITH CHARGE.
Finally, we will climax our Corporate Consecration on Sun., Jan. 31st
Join us @ 9:30 am in-person or online for
Holy Communion + First Fruit Sacrificial Giving Sunday
For more info, please see flyers below