God loves you! There is NOTHING that you have ever done or could ever do to make Him stop loving you. In fact, God loved us so much that He gave us the best that Heaven had to offer: His Son, Jesus! God’s love is not like human love. It’s an AGAPE (unconditional) love. That means that He loves you so much that He longs to be in relationship with you.
God knows that we would never be able to measure up to His standard. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) But He cared so much that He decided to reach down to us. Would you like to reach back to God today? Not only is He a loving God, He is a forgiving God who is ready to forgive you today. If you’re ready, just say this prayer:
Heavenly Father,
I come to you confessing that I am a sinner. I repent of my sins and ask you for your forgiveness. I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that You raised him from the dead. I confess Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I believe that through His shed blood, I have new life and eternal life. Please come into my heart and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Lead me and guide me so that I may follow you and live for you the rest of my days. Thank you for loving me enough to save me.
I believe by faith that I am saved in Jesus name, Amen!
If you just prayed this prayer of faith, we have great news for you…
You are SAVED! Your sins have been forgiven and you now have new life in Jesus!
Mount Calvary Church celebrates with you your new life in Jesus and we are confident that you have just made the best decision of your life. To assist you on your journey as a new believer, we’d love to get some helpful information & resources to you, please email us at: info@CalvaryBoston.com or write to us at:
Mount Calvary Church
Attn: I’m Saved
297 Talbot Avenue
Dorchester, Massachusetts 02124
I’m Saved! Now what?
The next step is to connect in fellowship with a bible-believing,
bible-preaching, bible-teaching church to help you mature in the faith.
God never intended for you to take this journey alone. As you embark on your journey as a Christ-follower, Mount Calvary Church is committed to leading and walking with you every step of the way. From Starting Point to The Ultimate Plunge (water baptism) to Discipleship to Growth Groups & Life Classes, we have an intentional plan that was designed and developed to pave a clear path for both your personal and spiritual growth.