This Easter, don’t come to church alone!
The member who brings the MOST unchurched people
to service on Easter Sunday will WIN $300 CASH!
Will you be the BIG winner?
We know that inviting people to church can feel intimidating, but the people you know are more likely to come to church at Easter if you just take the first step of simply inviting them. Need help with what to say? We got you!
Simply copy any sample text message below,
open up a new text message, paste it,
and send it to your contacts.
Don’t forget, one of the reasons we exist is to… Make Jesus Famous!
You can help us do that by simply sending a text message.
This is electronic evangelism.
Msg. 1
Hey! At church today, PJ (my Pastor) announced Easter Weekend, and it sounds like some really fun things are planned for the whole family this year! Do you want to bring the kids and hang out?
Msg. 2
Hey! Easter Sunday is March 31st. Have any plans? If not, I’d love for you to come to church with me. Also, we’re having EasterFEST the day before. There’s going to be free fun for the whole family. You should definitely check it out.
Msg. 3
Hey! My church is doing some amazing things for Easter this year, sounds like it’s going to be a vibe. Do you have any plans? I would love for you to join me. Let me know if you’re down.
By sending this text, you’re a digital disciple and an electronic evangelist.
Thank you for helping us reach the lost for Jesus this Easter!