Hey family,
Recently I was blessed to attend the World Vision Pastor’s Gathering in San Antonio, TX! While there, I had the eye-opening experience to learn about all of the amazing ministry that World Vision does around the globe.
One of their ministry initiatives that moved me in a tremendous way was the Global 6k for Water! Kids are walking almost 4 miles to get clean water, when most of us don’t even have to walk 4 steps to get clean water. Something that we so often and so simply take for granted, seems to be a luxury to many.
For this reason, I am super excited to be participating in the World Vision Global 6K for Water! On May 18th 2024, I will be joining thousands of others around the globe to run 6k and provide clean water to children in communities around the world.
I would love for you to either register for the Global 6K and become a part of “Team Water Walkers” alongside me or make a donation to my fundraising page to help the cause. I’ll be providing the location real soon of where we will gather for the 6k.
Did you know that for just $50, World Vision can provide an individual with clean water that lasts! Most of us spend that on fast food in a week. Imagine a one time $50 gift providing clean water for 1 person for the rest of their life.
In Matthew 25, Jesus says… I was thirsty, and you didn’t give me anything to drink. He goes onto say… Whatever you have done to the least of them, you have done it unto me.
Will join me in walking for water, so our brothers & sisters don’t have to? Every step that we take, is one less step they don’t have to take. Will you be a water walker?
Thanks for your support!
Peace & Blessings,
Pastor J.

Join Pastor J., The Mount & HeavenlyRadio.net
on Saturday, May 18, 2024 and join… TEAM WATER WALKERS
as we take part in the World Vision Global 6k for Water!
Why the name Water Walkers?
Easy! We’re going to walk, so they don’t have to.
Every step we take for water, is a step they don’t have to take.
Date: Sat., May 18, 2024
Time: 11 am
Location: TBD
Registration is: $50 for adults & $25 for children.
Every $50 provides clean water for 1 child for the rest of their life.
Even if you don’t want to walk, jog, run or roll,
you can still donate to provide clean water to those who need it most.
or to simply donate to the cause.
* Registration includes: t-shirt, bib & medal mailed directly to you. *
SPECIAL: use the promo code: “firstfive” to receive $5 off your team registration.
This savings is only available to the first 5 people who join the team!